Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sick of attacks on smokers

PEOPLE asked whether they favour any move to protect children from danger will surely agree, naturally assuming the problem to exist. Your report (News, September 29) of 75 per cent public support for a smoking ban in children’s play areas is a typical example of such manipulation employed by Ash Scotland, who commissioned the poll.
Predictably, they offer no evidence. From personal ­observation of a number of playgrounds near me, I’d say that’s because none exists, but I invite Ash to prove me wrong.
The stipulation of a ban “in” play areas suggests enclosure, but this is not always the case, apart from which there would be nothing to stop smokers standing outside any fence.
I consider paying a great deal of money to draw in air and blow out smoke ridiculous behaviour, but it’s legal – and it gives many people pleasure – and I for one am sick and tired of groups like Ash campaigning for ever more restriction on freedom of choice.

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