Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to fix a bad first date

Make them laugh
If you really must draw attention to what went wrong on your first date, do it with humour and brevity.
For example, if you accidentally sprayed a mouthful of curry across the table into their face, ask them if they fancy a vindaloo sometime – and let that be the last you say about it.
Get it right next time
A second chance doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get a third chance. So when you’ve fixed up another date, resolve not to make the same mistakes again.
Use your first-date mishaps as a lesson. If you talked too much, focus on being a better listener. Habits are hard to break, but practice makes perfect.
Do some non-date socialising
Is every weekend turning into a first-date disaster? Then take a break from dating. If you’re seeing new people every week, it’s no wonder you’ve worked yourself into a nervous, prat-falling stupor.
Go out with friends, release some pressure and turn those first-date mistakes into winning anecdotes.

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