Ahh, dating. It inspires such passion... and heartbreak. It's the subject none of us like to talk about. It's ugly, it's horrible and it's got a big face with a twisted look on it. It scares people off. No one ever likes to go through with it, yet we need the results. We need the results to help us get into solid and trusting relationships and eventually find love with decent people who we want to spend the rest of our lives with. The good news is that there is a ray of hope in internet dating.
With dating, you can take it all in different approaches. Whether it be online dating or the old fashioned way of being set up on a blind date, we've got our preferences to what way of finding love we chose and prefer. But for those wanting a head start in the dating world and are in need of some quick dating tips, we've got them for you right here. Here are some of our favorite tips for those wanting to tread water and meet new people in the dating world:
Join a comedy class. If he makes you laugh, then that means he's a keeper. Your average stand up class is a festival of testosterone. Those with the true talent to make people laugh tend to usually be emotional and self-centered, but if he makes you laugh anyway then you may be willing to put up with the occasional episodes of insecurity.
Car shows. Sure, you'd rather be out shopping, but just close your eyes and pretend that you're at the mall. Guys who are really into cars tend to be very capable and good with their hands, even if they sometimes provide you with more information about your car rather than about himself. A good and easy one-liner such as "Hey, nice car!" usually does the trick.
The good old bar. Skip the trendy bars with icy women with mile high heels and snarky men with neon-colored shirts and fake bottled tans. If you want to find a nice, laid back kind of guy that is a natural conversation starter, then your local firefighter pub is the place to be. Plus, those guys who weren't popular during high school make excellent boyfriends now. That is the best piece of dating wisdom we can bestow upon you.
Business conferences. Here you can meet good, ambitious men who not only look good in suites but are smart too. (What a combination!) Strike up a conversation around your mutual business interests then ask how they got to where they are today. You'll learn about his path of life so far, including education and goals. But before you jump into anything big, make sure you check his left hand so you don't end up getting yourself in a sticky situation with a man who is already in a relationship.
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