Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How To Keep Going
I’ll give you a couple of seemingly unconnected pointers here, but bear with me, I’ll tie them up in the end.
Search yourself
More often than not, dry spells come when something within us gets out of balance. We feel down, drained, jaded, sad. It spirals from there: your doldrums show when you interact with others, they influence your actions, and that’s how they affect the outcomes.
First of all, embrace your moods. You’re not a machine. You have emotions, and they work the way they do. If you try to fight them, to force yourself into “happiness” or cheat your body with coffee and cigarettes, you’ll just make it worse.
Instead, take it down a notch and reflect. Listen. What is it you’re unhappy about? What is your body trying to tell you? We often have a hard time interpreting our feelings just because we don’t listen to them.
We think that “to keep going” means to carry on as we were, ignoring the signals our body is sending. Well, that’s wrong. Think about specific moments where you feel low. Is it at work? Was it the house party on Saturday where you blew all those conversations? Is it when you spend another evening alone watching TV? Is it when you waste time on the internet and you know you could do something meaningful instead, but you just can’t bring yourself to to it?
Design what you do next
You will find that some of the things that ail you, you can’t (easily) change. Yet, you can always, under any circumstance, change your attitude towards them! This is done easiest when you have something else in your life that
a) you have full control of
b) is going well.
You need to create something that’s uniquely yours. That “they” can’t take from you. So design what you do next. Consider: what do you love? Are you into music? Acting? Singing? Dancing? Web design? Photography? Painting? Drawing?
Hey, there’s a lot. If you look just a bit below the surface, you will easily find activities to help you channel your emotions – your soul. I’ll call them “creative outlets”.
Reclaim control
So you have some loose ends now – listen to your emotions, change your attitude towards circumstances, find creative outlets. How does it all fit together?
Well, these steps entail each other and work together to pull you out of your rut. Of course, you have to identify first what’s going on inside you. Then, you should to find where you can make a change – some things you can amend like that (stop watching TV all the time), others are circumstances you have to deal with (or make huge changes in your life to get rid of, e.g. quit, move away).
This is where you want to design your own outlet. So you start drawing or writing. Soon enough, you have truly captivating stories or sketches! They make you happy because your soul can manifest in them, and others love them because they feel the emotion inside. Now, this is what allows you to change your attitude towards circumstances: you just don’t care about them as much anymore, because you’ve learned how to keep going despite circumstances. There is good stuff happening in your life, and it’s because you sparked it. Now how easy is it to get that job, pass that test, and seduce that woman?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
5 Things You Don't Know About Attraction

1. Your Nose Should Be Part of Foreplay
The blend of lavender and pumpkin turns guys on. But, you don’t have to bake a pie and douse yourself in lavender oil. You can create the combination by lighting two candles or spraying these scents on your neck. Oh, and tell your guy to spritz on a cologne with hints of cucumbers or black licorice, since those smells were found to arouse women.
Source: Smell and Taste Research Foundation in Chicago
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Confidence Impresses Women
A lot of guys often wonder how they can impress a woman that they like, that they want to ask out, or that they just started dating. They try to figure out the best ways to impress these women and come across as an incredibly interesting, great guy. Well, the truth is that the best way for you to impress a woman is to not actually try to impress her.
Look, we all know that women like confidence, and are attracted to guys who are confident. So what is confidence? Its self-assurance and a sense of self-esteem. It makes you feel like you’re worth something, and like you’re an interesting person just the way you are without going out of your way and doing more than you’re supposed to do.
So, when you’re not trying to impress and come off as too smart, too rich, and too sophisticated, then you’ll be much more impressive to a woman than when you’re bragging about yourself, talk too much, and try too hard.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
World’s Most Expensive Men’s Clothing
When playing Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable on The Cosby Show (1984-1992), Bill Cosby most often wore shirts with loud, geometric, swirling and/or patchwork patterns. This habit gave rise to the term “Cosby sweater,” used to describe similar sweaters. In 2008, Hello Friend and the Ennis William Cosby foundation put three of those famous sweaters up for auction on eBay.
Berluti Rapiécés Reprisés – $1,830
These shoes, inspired by Andy Warhol, are notable for the patched appearance traditionally reserved for clothing. Because Warhol requested a visible patch only on his right shoe, each set includes an additional left shoe that remains unpatched.
Eton 80th anniversary dress shirt – over $45,000
Swedish shirt-making company Eton, celebrating their 80th birthday, created this shirt out of the finest Egyptian cotton. Of course, it couldn’t be the most expensive shirt in the world without a few diamonds. Both the studs and the cufflinks are encrusted with diamonds—white diamonds on the cufflinks and colored diamonds on the studs.
Antique Levi’s jeans – $60,000
Levi Strauss Company bid $46,532 to buy a pair of their own brand of jeans back on the popular auction site eBay. However, the most expensive jeans were an average pair of 501 jeans manufactured in the 1880s and purchased by a Japanese collector in 2005 for $60,000.
Satya Paul Design Studio necktie – $220,000
The Satya Paul Design Studio, a company with roots in the early stages of India’s fashion industry, displayed the most expensive necktie in the world at a fashion show aptly titled “Cultural Ties” in Mumbai on October 29th, 2003. Tied around the neck of bollywood film star Salman Khan, this unique tie is made of pure silk with a pattern in 150 grams of gold. It’s also adorned with 271 diamonds weighing 77 carats weighing 77 carats total.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
30 Things Every Woman Should Quit Doing By 30
Buying clothes from the junior section.
Forgetting her parents’ birthdays.
Making out with her BFFs at bars for attention.
Making out with her boyfriend at bars for attention.
Filling her bed with stuffed animals (really, even one is too many).
Carrying a torch for anyone she hasn’t seen in the last five years.
Rebelling against her parents for the sake of rebelling against her parents.
Declaring an entire gender “all jerks.”
Holding a grudge against anyone who wronged her in high school.
Skipping regular gyno exams.
Going to bed without washing and moisturizing her face.
Being “that person” who had a bit too much to drink at the office party.
Crushing on Justin Bieber.
Thinking she’s got it all figured out.
Calling her father “daddy.”
Engaging in sibling rivalry.
Trying to get by on her looks.
Living paycheck to paycheck.
Expecting a man/knight in shining armor to swoop in and save her.
Aimlessly jumping from job to job.
Using MySpace to pick up guys.
Expecting a man to do all the wooing.
Wishing she had someone else’s life.
Expecting everyone to drop everything because it’s her birthday ...
... or because her “boyfriend” of two weeks dumped her.
Measuring her self-worth by a number on the scale.
Being cheap.
Quitting a job without having a new one lined up first (especially in this economy!).
Blaming her mother for all her issues.
Romanticizing her 20s.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Are Women Happier When Men Are the Main Breadwinners?

Folks, like it or not, I'm going to do a little more ranting today about this evolutionary psych stuff.
In the article I commented about yesterday — in which evolutionary psychologist Nick Neave argues that women are biologically programmed to be dependent on men — he goes on to make two more points:
1. Women are happiest in traditional marriages.
In making this argument, Neave points to a recent study from sociologists at the University of Virginia, which found that couples who are happiest in traditional marriages run on old-fashioned gender lines, where the man is the main breadwinner: "The report showed conclusively that women who worked were more dissatisfied with their husbands than those who stayed at home," he says. He also points out that one of the study authors, Radford Wilcox, said: "Regardless of what married women say they believe about gender, they tend to have happier marriages when their husband is a good provider."
2. Women like men who make more than they do.
Neave goes on to say: "Happiest of all were women whose husbands brought in at least two-thirds of the household income, regardless of how much they helped with domestic chores. In short, I suspect women will never feel truly comfortable earning more than their men. The need to rely on a man is driven by such a deep-seated biological urge. I cannot see it ever being eradicated completely."
Oh, please. I think this whole phenomenon could easily be explained thusly: Women whose husbands are bringing in that much of the income are probably less stressed, and therefore happier.
As for why men might not like women who make more than they do, well, I think that's easily explained by centuries of socialization. Men are slowly coming around to the idea that women can be providers, too, but it's a relatively new idea in our culture.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Protecting Your Skin from the Sun

Remember when we thought slathering on baby oil to promote tanning was doing something good for our skin?
These days, a dizzying number of sunscreens and sunblocks cram stores' shelves, promising protection from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. If you don't have a PhD in chemistry, reading and understanding the ingredients lists on those bottles is nearly impossible.
Yet shielding your body from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light is vital, in any weather or season. Both types of UV rays—UVA and UVB—are invisible and damaging, causing sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer. Cloudy days are no protection, since UV rays penetrate clouds. And with the earth's ozone layer thinning, solar radiation is increasing. So are all types of skin cancer, including the most serious—malignant melanoma.
Still, many of us think about using sunscreen only when we're heading out to the beach or pool. Even then, the average U.S. adult uses less than one bottle a year. That's a mistake. UV rays do their damage anytime. They can pass through window glass or reflect off concrete and snow as well as sand and water. Artificial sources of UV light, as in tanning booths, are also dangerous.
"The more sun you get, the more likely you are to get damage and potentially increase the development of melanoma and skin cancer," says Diane S. Berson, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Cornell University Weill Medical College in New York City. "We recommend that people wear sun protection every day."
Do different people get more or less damage?
The lighter your skin, the more quickly you'll burn. But darker-skinned people, who tend to tan rather than burn, are still getting UV-caused damage.
You're likely to be more sensitive to UV rays if you:
· Have many moles or freckles on your skin
· Have a family history of skin cancer
· Live or vacation at high altitudes, where UV radiation increases
· Have autoimmune diseases such as lupus or have had an organ transplant
· Take oral contraceptives, some antibiotics, naproxen sodium or certain other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, diuretics (This is only a partial list of drugs that can increase the sun sensitivity of your skin and eyes. Check out all your medications with your pharmacist or health care professional.)
Choosing the right sunscreen
While there are numerous sunscreen formulations, choose only those that are labeled "broad-spectrum." This means they block both UVA and UVB rays. Many sunscreens only block UVB. To get UVA protection as well, look for avobenzone (Parsol 1789) or oxybenzone as ingredients.
There's one catch, however, Dr. Berson points out: Avobenzone degrades in sunlight, so you have to re-apply it frequently. Some (but not all) Neutrogena brand sunscreens use a special technology called Helioplex™ to overcome this problem. Products containing mexoryl, a UVA filter that helps stabilize avobenzone, are sold in Canada, Europe and elsewhere, but the ingredient has not yet been approved for use in the U.S.
Don't rely solely on SPF (sun protection factor) numbers to guide you. SPF only measures UVB protection. Choose at least SPF 15, but higher is better, especially since most people don't use as much sunscreen as they should or re-apply it frequently enough. What's more, research shows that products often give less protection in sunlight than their SPF numbers suggest. Even if the SPF 30 or 45 costs a bit more, it's worth the extra expense.
You may prefer using a sunblock to a sunscreen. Sunblocks provide a physical barrier between your skin and both UVA and UVB rays, but may feel heavier. Dr. Berson recommends sunblocks containing zinc oxide or titanium oxide.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
8 Sarging Online Tips

Online sarging is simple if you adhere to a a small number of straightforward regulations! The initial thing you’ll need is a Facebook or Myspace account!
However, before you go about sending out messages to hot women, you need to have the best profile possible. Follow these online sarging tips to help you with that!
1. When you message a woman online, she will question what your intentions are! It’ll be pretty clear in fact! She will instinctively guess that you’re some creepy guy, but you can evade this by having lots and lots of photos on your profile where you’re casually hanging out with other extraordinarily hot women!
2. Your profile photograph is extremely imperative as it could be the only thing she’ll ever observe of you! By far the best sort of profile picture you might have is one where you are just hanging out with a stunning girl! Trust me, this will cause her to trust you!
3. On no account volunteer your relationship status! If you message a girl and she can observe that you’re single then it at once becomes obvious to her why you’re messaging! Be a challenge! Above and beyond, if she asks you if you’re unattached then that is a clear indication of curiosity from her!
4. Show that you’re a man of worth! Go through your account for any childish spelling errors! Also never employ 14 year old child text language!
5. Delete any not beneficial wall posts that show you up as not being an attractive guy! If your friends are inviting you over to watch Die Hard, do you actually want pretty ladies to observe that?
6. The right variety of wall posts you can possess are posts from beautiful girls who are asking you out for a relaxed (or not) coffee and a catch up! This creates awesome trust with other women for online sarging purposes by proving that other girls find you attractive!
7. On no account remove photographs of your ex girlfriends! Too many men make this slip-up! You should be full of pride to show off that you are superior with women!
8. Lock your profile to random access! She must have to add you to see your entire profile, which is an additional indicator of interest!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Do Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth want kids? Reese Witherspoon clock is ticking

Is Reese Witherspoon planning on having kids? Are Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth ready for children? Apparently Reese Witherspoon's biological clock is ticking.
Showbiz Spy claims Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth are planning to have children.
A source says, “Reese has always said her greatest achievement in life is raising kids. She’s desperate to have another child and thinks Jim would make the perfect dad! Her biological clock is ticking, so she’s hoping to start trying soon!”
If this anonymous source is correct this is great news for Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth. If raising kids is her greatest achievement then she should do what makes her happy. If Witherspoon thinks that Toth will be a great dad then by means have another kid. Don't have another kid though just because you biological clock is ticking and your scared that if you don't have one now you'll never get another chance. Have a child because it makes you happy and because you have a lot of love to give.
Then again this whole story could be nothing but a bunch of lies. Don't believe anything your read that come from an anonymous source.
If Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth are planning on having another child then we wish them nothing but the best of luck.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dating Services

Anyone may be able to find sex in the city, but what if you're looking for a serious long-lasting relationship that might lead to commitment —no, not in a mental institution, but in front of an altar?
Most of us find ourselves looking for love in all the wrong places —the local bar, the office place and even the long line-up at Social Services.
We meet people who can't take care of themselves, are already attached, are scared of intimacy, are just killing time waiting around until they fall in love with the real thing, have to much emotional baggage, are alcoholics, drug addicts, or more interested in repeating some tragic, self-destructive emotional pattern.
Even if we "get lucky" at one of these places, we often end up optimistically mistaking sex for love, and place unrealistic expectations on a partner who is not willing to go forward with us into the future.
Then there's the matter of our busy schedules. Not too many single people have the time or energy to hang out at the libraries, laundromats or clubs where the old fashioned etiquette books have always advised us to go to meet someone nice.
Perhaps that's why more people than ever are using dating and introduction services. Using one of these services eliminates the fuss and muss of dealing with the modern inconvenience of recovering from a hangover after a long night of waiting around all night in a smoky bar hoping to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right.
Also, using an introduction service is much safer for women. Your best bet is to find a hands-on matchmaking service that screens their male candidates and checks their background for such things as marital status, financial solvency and a criminality. Using an introduction service is also much safer than meeting someone through a free dating service on the internet.
Your chances of meeting a jerk there are just as high as if you had gone into a sleazy bar, as anyone can lie about their history when they submit their personality profiles on-line. The bottom line, according to the dating service owners I spoke to, is: "You get what you pay for..."
According to a study called Dating and the Internet by Ian Nethercott, more and more of us are becoming disillusioned with such societal ills as alcoholism and infidelity and during the nineties turned to more and more to our computers to find a mate.
The failure of the internet to produce anything but even more illusions about love, has renewed singles' interest in old fashioned match-making services.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The wonderful world that is dating

Ahh, dating. It inspires such passion... and heartbreak. It's the subject none of us like to talk about. It's ugly, it's horrible and it's got a big face with a twisted look on it. It scares people off. No one ever likes to go through with it, yet we need the results. We need the results to help us get into solid and trusting relationships and eventually find love with decent people who we want to spend the rest of our lives with. The good news is that there is a ray of hope in internet dating.
With dating, you can take it all in different approaches. Whether it be online dating or the old fashioned way of being set up on a blind date, we've got our preferences to what way of finding love we chose and prefer. But for those wanting a head start in the dating world and are in need of some quick dating tips, we've got them for you right here. Here are some of our favorite tips for those wanting to tread water and meet new people in the dating world:
Join a comedy class. If he makes you laugh, then that means he's a keeper. Your average stand up class is a festival of testosterone. Those with the true talent to make people laugh tend to usually be emotional and self-centered, but if he makes you laugh anyway then you may be willing to put up with the occasional episodes of insecurity.
Car shows. Sure, you'd rather be out shopping, but just close your eyes and pretend that you're at the mall. Guys who are really into cars tend to be very capable and good with their hands, even if they sometimes provide you with more information about your car rather than about himself. A good and easy one-liner such as "Hey, nice car!" usually does the trick.
The good old bar. Skip the trendy bars with icy women with mile high heels and snarky men with neon-colored shirts and fake bottled tans. If you want to find a nice, laid back kind of guy that is a natural conversation starter, then your local firefighter pub is the place to be. Plus, those guys who weren't popular during high school make excellent boyfriends now. That is the best piece of dating wisdom we can bestow upon you.
Business conferences. Here you can meet good, ambitious men who not only look good in suites but are smart too. (What a combination!) Strike up a conversation around your mutual business interests then ask how they got to where they are today. You'll learn about his path of life so far, including education and goals. But before you jump into anything big, make sure you check his left hand so you don't end up getting yourself in a sticky situation with a man who is already in a relationship.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Feelings involved in attraction or relationship addiction

Many people confuse the feelings involved in attraction or relationship addiction, with the feelings involved in love. Attraction is the first part of growing toward a love relationship. I use the phrase "growing toward love" because the idea that any one "falls in love" is a fallacy. While attraction is an important part of a relationship it is only the beginning and cannot carry a relationship for a long time. We all change with time. Part of attraction is the adrenaline rush many confuse with love. That adrenaline rush can be addictive. A lasting relationship cannot be based on physical attraction or addiction to an adrenaline rush.
Our highly commercialized, capitalistic society has romanticized attraction to an extreme. When we buy into "their" music, TV, movies etc., "their" income increases. "They" are opportunistically trying to make money, while many (naively, sadly), believe "them". Yes, we know that, but are we always aware of how much we really buy into their psychological sales pitches and how deeply it affects us? Self awareness grows with practice.
Relationship addiction can easily be confused with love. A person can be addicted to another one without the awareness of being addicted. A lack of self awareness and self understanding leads a person into denial of his/her thoughts, feeling and behaviors. This can be misleading and confusing for the recipient of the addictive relationship behaviors. A few warning signs include;
*When a person seems to idolize the individual he/she claims they "love".
* If someone holds the person they claim to "love" responsible for their own life changing decisions. An example would be if someone quit college and then said it was because of the person they "love". This type of behavior is an abdication of personal responsibility. Its blame.
*When someone tries to fix or change the person they "love" physically or psychologically. They want the other to have plastic surgery to "perfect" their appearance or tell you, "I never want to see you without makeup on.", or insist they pick out the other person's clothes or tell them how to wear their hair.
*If the person believes that the other will change to be as they wish.
* When the relationship is very intense, dramatic.
* A person who defines ( and confuses), his/her wants with needs saying things such as "I can't live without you".
*When a person is unable to recognize the relationship has problems and that he/she is part of the problem. Often telling the other, "It's all in your mind."
*When a person is unable to be without a relationship at all, jumps from one relationship to another within a few months.
Dependency can also be confused with the love. When an individual feels that he/she cannot make it in the world without another person to help them, that is dependency. A dependent person usually has extremely low self-esteem and is very insecure. Indeed there is a mental health diagnosis called Dependent Personality Disorder. Any person with that disorder needs good therapy to help them recover from it.
Genuine love involves two relatively healthy people who are able to appreciate the attraction they have for one another, are aware that the attraction will fade and are able to do the personal work they need to do to nurture their attraction into love. This takes reasonable psychological health, self-awareness, and the ability make personal changes. Love is a choice and involves work that we choose to do daily.
Life often puts us in a position of having to make difficult choices. For instance, if two people who have been developing a love relationship, which began due to physical attraction, are in an accident and one person becomes maimed or disabled, the other person will have to make a difficult choice. A couple I knew were in an accident. The woman's face was badly disfigured. Although plastic surgery was helpful, she remained disfigured for the rest of her life. She and her husband were faced with the huge problem of whether or not they could live with this together. In the movie "Days of Wine and Roses" the man finally realizes that his wife is an alcoholic. He is faced with a painful choice and makes the decision to take their child and leave. Sometimes people need to choose to leave a relationship in order to protect themselves and others. Love cannot conquer all.
It is the healthy love of self that can help an individual choose to make the changes they need to make for themselves, in order to have a better life. When an individual is self-aware and working on their own personal growth they are more likely to attract others who are also working on themselves. Two people who are working on self-awareness and maturing as individuals, will be able to make a healthy decision about whether or not they can develop and continue a relationship.
Monday, July 12, 2010
What Do Women Want?

In the various lines of research described by Daniel Bergner in his account of investigations into female desire (Jan. 25), it is interesting that almost all of the stimuli presented to female subjects come in the form of photographs or film and video. Theorists of art and visual culture have long recognized that vision is not simply a neutral, physiological act, and that the act of filming or photographing encodes gendered forms of looking.
It may be, in fact, that the “narcissistic” form of desire described by Marta Meana is a response to the ways in which the female viewer is often made to identify with the object of desire (the object of the desiring gaze) rather than the subject of that gaze (the protagonist); this is an argument that has been made by Laura Mulvey in relation to classic Hollywood cinema, but holds true in a variety of other visual modes as well. Women may not, in fact, have an innately narcissistic form of desire, but may be offered only the position of narcissism by the visual culture that is called upon to evoke desire.
Visiting Associate Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, Calif.
I would never deny that being desirable is a turn-on for many women, but what one has to do to be “hot” in our culture fosters a double consciousness that might well confuse scientists about women’s sexual desires. For many women, it’s occasionally hard to know the difference between sexual agency and male-driven definitions of sexiness, which have the effect of regulating or reshaping women’s subjectivity. Twenty years ago the American feminist Catharine MacKinnon wrote, “All women live in sexual objectification the way fish live in water.” Despite the subtitle of Daniel Bergner’s article, we are not “postfeminist” yet.
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Sex Appeal of Spies

Are spies like us? Just watch this. And then, well ensconced in romance and nostalgia, consider that Ian Fleming said—or did he write?—that “men want a woman whom they can turn on and off like a light switch.” This essential, and fierce, masculinity—or is it chauvinism?—has defined the literary history of spy-craft right up until Lisbeth Salander (and, n.b., Salander doesn’t work for her government). Is this is something we want in the genre, something we expect in spy storylines, even today? When spy-craft is coupled with “romance” it seems there is to end to our appetite for it. Now, as the U.S. government prepares for the latest round of well-intentioned realpolitik, it is worth considering why artful espionage, and the presence of seduction, romance and narrative within in, still seduces us.
Witness Bond. Witness Anna Chapman. The Russians who lived here under pseudonyms lived “normal” lives. It is the disconnect between what we think we know and what may otherwise be true that forms the crux of seduction; in the end we might want to believe we know less than we know. Rather than feeling deceived, as a government might feel/behave, individuals with an ear for story will always want to think that this neighbor, or that colleague, might be living a more sensational life than what appears to be the case. This suburban lie is the comedic heart of current cultural sensations, like Big Love. For the extraordinary among us, the cliché goes, things are rather ordinary. For the ordinary, the belief holds that there is something more than what we see.
The Cold War provided a certain geo-political stability, a storyline that everyone accepted. White hats, black hats, Wise Men and Dominos. In post-Cold-War times we are constantly racing to re-possess the glamour of those days, a glamour that came not from knowing what was next, but from not knowing.
The prospect of A Spy Next Door is less a threat than a seduction. Ann Chapman and her colleagues are a reminder that we can let go our narrow condescension for things we think we know are true. All spies (alas) do not look and act like Bond, providing further rationale for everyone to hew to the Golden Rule.
It is worth watching this, if for no other reason than as an antidote to Anna Chapman. Simon’s lyrics alongside the classic Bond titles are ageless. They capture what we all want to feel all the time: challenged, protected, and in awe:
Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you're the best
I wasn't looking but somehow you found me
It tried to hide from your love light
But like Heaven above me
The spy who loved me
Is keeping all my secrets safe tonight
And nobody does it better
Though sometimes I wish someone could
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Why'd you have to be so good?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
How to fix a bad first date

Make them laugh
If you really must draw attention to what went wrong on your first date, do it with humour and brevity.
For example, if you accidentally sprayed a mouthful of curry across the table into their face, ask them if they fancy a vindaloo sometime – and let that be the last you say about it.
Get it right next time
A second chance doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get a third chance. So when you’ve fixed up another date, resolve not to make the same mistakes again.
Use your first-date mishaps as a lesson. If you talked too much, focus on being a better listener. Habits are hard to break, but practice makes perfect.
Do some non-date socialising
Is every weekend turning into a first-date disaster? Then take a break from dating. If you’re seeing new people every week, it’s no wonder you’ve worked yourself into a nervous, prat-falling stupor.
Go out with friends, release some pressure and turn those first-date mistakes into winning anecdotes.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Flirting Tips

Flirting has always remained essentially a man's territory for ages. But off late, we see women taking the lead too and for the better! The art of flirting does not come flawlessly to everyone, though it is not very difficult to master it. However, there are certain things that are to be kept in mind while treading on this unfamiliar territory. One of the most important aspects of flirting is a smiling face. A smile not only breaks the ice and makes the atmosphere easy going, but also improves your face value. Eye contact is very essential at the time of flirting. It shows that you are confident about yourself.
While the two tips mentioned above are most important, some of the other aspects that you should think over is being smartly dressed, showing genuine interest and respecting the other person. Make sure that that you do not force anyone to mingle with you and be aggressive. Remember, no one is obliged to you. In the following section, we bring to you flirting ideas that are sure to get you started with flirting if not on the top!. You can check out our more specific sections of flirting that are given below for mastering the art. So get out there and thrill them with your flirtatious side!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Love over the years
Do you believe that dating, love, romance, and intimacy become passe at a certain age? I know that some people think so. They believe that they'll never love again, or that no one would love them, strictly based on their age.
But I can assure you that all of those things are alive and well, whatever your age.
Those who are single, divorced or widowed sometimes enjoy living alone, but have outside activities and a circle of friends who comprise their social life. Others seek out friendship and dating only. The rest of us want the whole package.
Older and Bolder Love and Dating
By a certain age, most of us have acquired a healthy amount of confidence and self-esteem. We content with our bodies. We don't fret endlessly over every choice we make. We know what we like, and we know what we don't like. We're more adept at reading character than when younger and more naive.
Most of the time, we stumble onto dates, friends, and mates simply by going about our lives and doing the things we love. We meet potential romantic interests who love doing many of the things we do. Common interests--a plus in any relationship.
For those who seek friendship of a romantic or intimate nature and just haven't acquired it yet, read below for some tips.
Where To Look
1. If you haven't found what you seek by carrying on with your normal every-day living, perhaps it is time to broaden your interests, try some new things.
2. Travel. Cruises, tour groups, and solo vacations can open doors of opportunity.
3. Explore community activities to find a new hobby or interest.
4. Take a class you've always wanted to try
5. Think about doing some volunteer work for a cause dear to your heart.
Inter Racial Dating Issues
Inter racial dating issues for couple needs to be handled with the proper mechanisms that will make their relationship stronger. Many angry momments and sad moments but there will be happy and victory moments as they decided to stand against the challenges and survive through the hard work.
They need to fully believe that they are doing the right thing. They need to ignore all the false and not important things people think or say about them and focus on their relationship instead.
They need to learn to accept and understand their family differences as well as their language, culture, religion or maybe they are having the same faith like inter racial Christian dating. Even if they are in the same religion, some still will face even harder whispers from the neighbors.
In the conservative families, they will face more challenges especially from their parents as they need to talk about the issue with cold head and address the issue with the best outcome and understanding. Lucky are those who have a more open minded parents and families. They are wise enough to understand and they will support the inter racial couple because they know it is not about the difference, but it is about the couple.
Some couple just do not care about what others are thinking and they think those inter racial dating issues are other people issues and not theirs.
All they need to think about is where they are going to live, where do they gonna send their kids to school and the rest.